

Monday, December 11, 2006

SMS Jokes 18

1. Once a Loosmotion Pateint comes to a doctor.... Pateint:Doctor, Doctor!I am becomming fat and fat every day!. Please give me some medicine! The doctor give him 2-3 tablets.... Pateint: Thank you! very much doctor but how many times do I have to take it? Doctor:You don't have to take it! Just throw them Fifty times and pick up Fifty times!

2. Once a man goes to a doctor and says that when i touch my head i get pain and when i touch anywhere in my body with my index finger i get pain doctor said "you stupid you have pain in your finger".

3. Once a patient comes to a doctor and says:"Doctor!doctor!Before waking up I can't sleep & before sleeping i cant wake". The doctor got confused and after thinking for a long time he said:"Then,take these four tablets, eat two before waking and two after sleeping'.


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