

Monday, December 25, 2006

Animal Jokes 13

1.Customer(jokingly)to waiter in the hotel:Bring me a plate of veg chicken.
Waiter:Right away sir
after some time... Waiter: Here's your order sir
Customer(out of astonishment): Is this chicken really vegetarian?
Waiter: Yes sir it ate only grains!

2. Once a upon a time there were 3 ants. One was black,one was white and the other one was red. the black ant and the white ant asked the red ant why are u so red. So he said b'coz I suck humans blood. then the red ant and the white ant asked the black ant why are you so black.So he said b'coz i work in the sun. the red ant and the black ant asked the white ant why are you so white.then she replied b'coz I put fair and lovely...ha!!ha!!

3. How do you start a teddy bear race?
Say "ready teddy go!"


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