

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Some more Jokes

1.Q: What do you call a smart Indian?
A: Indigenious.

2.Once Sunta and Bunta were singing sitting on a tree. Suddenly Sunta started singing by sitting upside down.
Bunta asked Sunta, 'why are you sitting upside down and singing?'
Sunta replied, 'friend have some common sense, the 'A' side is over and I am now singing the 'B' side.'

3.Santa enters kitchen and opens the sugarbox. Sees inside and closes it. Wife observes the whole episode Again he comes and does the same stuff. Wife askes : Why are you Doing this?
Santa replies: Doc told to check sugar level regularly


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey dude, Very funny jokes!!!

I read some jokes from here, translated them to Spanish and posted into my blog about jokes.

If U understand Spanish, try to visit my blog.

9:28 AM  

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