

Friday, October 12, 2007

Santa Banta

Santa & Banta got tired of mobile & decide 2 use pigeons. 1day a pigeon reaches Banta without message. Angry Banta calls Santa!Santa: Oye, this was a missed call

Banta: Name the 3 fastest means of communication.Santa: Telephone, Television, Tell-a-woman

Santa: I'm a proud father. My son is in medical college.Banta: What's he studying?" Santa: He's not studying, they are studying him!

Q: A Man asked Santa, "Akal badhi ya bhains? "A: Santa bola, "Pehle date of birth to batao."

Q: Why was Santa writing the exam near the door?A: Because it was an entrance exam.

What's Ford?Santa: Gaadi.What's Oxford?Santa: So simple, Bail Gaadi

Banta sent sms to Santa: Bhejnewala mahan, padhnewala gadha.Santa got angry and replied: Bhejnewala gadha, padhnewala mahan.

Santa: My dad was an extremely brave man. He once entered a lion's cage.Banta: He probably got a lot of applause ven he got out.Santa: I didn't say he got out.

Santa found answer to the most difficult question ever- What comes first - the chicken or the egg?O yaar, jiska order pehle doge, vo ayega!

Santa (reading from book of facts): "Do you know that every time I breathe a man dies?"Banta: "Why don't you use a mouth wash?" *****;-}


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